Wednesday, December 17, 2008

WInter Break

Being on winter break is strange, it's strange being home for about a month after being on my own for the first time. Worrying about grades but not stressing about them is strange.  As geeky as it is starting  new MMO (Eq2) is strange.  That is whats strange about winter break this year, now for the awesome stuff.  Snow, snow in Oregon is a rare but amazing treat.  Being with my family and seeing how they have changed over the three months I've been gone is pretty cool.  Seeing some friends that I've missed again pretty awesome.  Winter Break thus far has been very laid back and chill, butI can't help but hope for a little excitment and who knows maybe it will come in the next few weeks.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Research Essay

I am actually going to have a post about panda conservation and the direct economic effects that result from this up relativley soon.  The paper itself is being written for a class I am taking and is one of the first real research essays I've ever written.  So far it's been a struggle to get any work done with Wrath of the Lich King coming out, yes I know I have a problem, but that 80 grind is done and it's tiem to get back to reality.   At this point I have a solid outline and most of my sources identified, but the hardest part, actually writing it, is killing me.  For some reason I can't just sit down and do it maybe i'm just lazy, but regardless it's due on Monday so I need to get crackin.  I'll definetley throw a copy of it up here once I'm finished with it, and it will be a historical landmark for this blog, as it will be the first post that really has anything to do with the title.  Peace out, bio quiz in the morning need a couples z's for that.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Lazy Sundays

They really are amazing things. Not much can compare to a da filled with Half Life 2 single player and reading just a little bit more of Arabian nights. Today was great not much happened, oh I did study a little for my bio quiz and I rediscovered the hilarity that is Billy Mays. All in all a great day, and this isn't a bad way to end it.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What I did today

The day started out nicely, quickly arising to a beautiful cell phone alarm I showered and amused myself with the wonder that is Youtube.  After watching Neil Young on the Johnny Cash show, a great way to start the morning, I attended my first class, biology.  Now this is the first college lecture I have ever attended and I have to say I was not disappointed.  It started out rather nicely with the professor harassing certain students who had not grabbed a syllabus, from there we read over the document and took a "attitude" test.  After that the professor poked fun at a student athlete  saying things such as "Me Grob me not know biology me know how to run and catch".  This gave the class a nervous undertone and I proceeded to watch my watch for the rest of the lecture.  
Once class was finished I headed back to my dorm to "hang" out for a couple of hours until my next class.  Let me tell you sitting in a dorm room is horrendously boring, so I decided that maybe some source of nutrition might be a great way to not only kill time but satisfy the hunger pains in my stomach.  Before i knew it I was sitting in my math class, which coincidently was in the same room as my bio class.  This class however has a much nicer professor who not only act's quiet goofy and childish but does a great job at communicating the subject matter, now this being a 50 minute class there really isn't all that much to say, but I do remember a joke about transition points sharing the same initials as toilet paper.  That ended my classes for the day, and thus my portion of the Day.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

So what the hell am I going to talk about today? Well this is going to be a two parter today ill talk about how shitty pro wrestling is and tomorrow ill talk about how much I despise the "World Wild Life foundation."

Firstly I commend whoever thought of the idea to make a soap opera that appealed to the middle aged redneck male, no really two claps for him great idea. Here is what really makes me mad, how the fuck can a grown man believe for half a second that these athletes beat the shit out of each other night after night and get up the next morning and do it all again. Based on this observation I don't think that anyone who watches Pro wrestling, and thinks it's real, has ever been in a fight. So I really think I just hate the people who watch it, sure I can forgive the mis guided child who wants to share "quality" time with his father but I can't forgive the fucktard of a father who makes this an option. What self respecting parent would let there child watch a show where two men in Speedo's attack each other with household objects,such as chairs and ladders, all for a shiny material object a "belt". Now violence is great when your mature enough to know that It's Not Fucking Real. On top of all the violence displayed on these programs there is also a surprising amount of sex, witch again great when your old enough, but at the point when most children start watching not so much. All in all Pro wrestling two claps for you, everyone who watches or has let there children watch it, eat a fucking dick. Thats todays panewsda.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Fuck word verification

Okay so I'm just gonna rant about how stupid the bot detecting mother fucking cock sucking clit licking word verification boxes are. I understand why they are necessary, I get that people can right scripts to make millions of accounts. Here is my problem, my eyes shouldn't have to fuckin strain to register for some fuck all of a website. The problem is that the web developers give the damn programmers to much credit, I am pretty sure the simple fucktard of a text box will work fine so the twisty motherfucking y's of the world can go fuck themselves in the ass with the rolly polly R's of the world. Thats the Panda news, and no you sure as hell don't need a text verification to read this.